Emma: Hi Cara! Cara: hey Cara: whats goin on? Emma: nothing much.... I'm sick :-( Emma: What about you? CARA: oh you are?? I hope you feel better soon!!! CARA: I'm doin okay:-) Emma: thanks :-) Emma: anything new? CARA: Ahh not really. I'm checking up on that show that Pat got, it's on the WB right? Emma: yeah Emma: it airs sept. 14 at 8:30 pm CARA: Good that's where I am CARA: Cool I'll try to catch it Emma: I think thats easten time though... Emma: I'm not sure CARA: I think Eastern and pacific air things at the same times Emma: okay CARA: but like central, if somethings on at 5 here it's on at 4 central but it's still 5 eastern CARA: :-) Emma: oic Emma: :-) Emma: I am so glad we finally get to chat! We are never on at the same time! :-) CARA: I know! gosh it's like you're NEVER here! CARA: Kett has a show on here I worked with him Emma: Kett? Emma: lol CARA: It shows him on the show "Dead Last" he was in the episode Vampire. *NOTE TO SEE THE PICTURE CARA SENT ME, EMAIL ME* Emma: oh! I know who he is! CARA: :-) Emma: he is cute! Emma: lol CARA: Yeah I like his eyes :-) Emma: yeah Emma: What was it like working with him? CARA: It was brief but we all had a lot of fun. Plus he's cute... heeheehee Emma: lol CARA: wow this pc is very slow Emma: lol Emma: So what was it like working with Eric Erik and Pat? Are they as great as everyone says they are? CARA: Absolutely Eric Lively is soooo funny and he really gets close to everyone, like a big brother. Pat is probably the greatest guy I know. There's no one more understanding and sweet, and not to mention I really think he's one of the most talented ators out there. He's really going to get somewhere. Erik is cool, he's got edge, and it kind of sucked not seeing him all the time is the second season but I love them all, yeah:-) Emma: they sound great! Emma: :-) Emma: What exactly happened to the third season? I have talked to Jon Cooksey, and he told me what it was going to be about if "Annie" didn't come. I heard that Disney rejected their ideas for the oringinal ending of "Twin" and the original series 3 because Disney thought it was to "risky" for a kid's show. Emma: Is that true? CARA: Because Alexz joined the cast, they had to re-write the 3rd season. The cast never really knew much about the first third season because the work their given is the work they haveto do CARA: So I'm not really sure how it was too risky for kids, but I've seen some season 3 and Alexz attracts older kids now too, dont' you think? So I wouldn't think that was the reason Emma: yeah, I just don't think that Disney realizes that this show attracts more than just "little kids" CARA: Yeah I kind of figured.. they do that thing with the polls have you seen the one when they asked about how old they look? They have that cartoon say "No I look older at least 14." or something and I was like... ok.. kids, teens, and adults OLDER than that watch this channel.. Emma: Yeah I saw that poll Emma: I mean i am in tons of fan clubs where the average fan is 15 years old! CARA: Oh really? See- they're older Emma: And it wasn't just the 3rd season. You attracted most of the fans! :-) CARA: Awh cool:-) Emma: :-) Emma: I've heard rumors that Disney is going to create a "Teen Disney" or something... CARA: I just caught it when I was flipping through the channels. Those cartoons scare me. Zoogs, right? AH CARA: Oh wow they should do that CARA: That LIzzie Mc-whatever girl pisses me off Emma: lol. yeah zoogs ARE VERY SCARY! Emma: lol CARA: They are. they like, move and that must scare kids. Like clowns? They're terrifying Emma: Lizzie McGuire? Yeah I think that show is aimed toward younger kids, like the 4 year old I babysit practially worships her. ugh Emma: lol Emma: But with SW, I think the mystery and scariness of the show attracts the older kids Emma: Clowns are scary - lol CARA: I know but on the show they didn't let us wear make-up. I looked like crap on that show. And even as pretty as Alexz looks on TV, she is so much prettier in person. And yet they let the LIzzie girl wear like 6 pounds of make-up Emma: You did not! You looked cute! Emma: but yeah, I noticed that they let the cast of LM wear makeup... weird CARA: Yeah but even I think I look better in person Emma: lol CARA: We weren't allowed to wear make-up, just like foundation that they put on us, sometimes they highighted our cheeks or let us wear lipgloss, that's it Emma: that stinks CARA: Yeah I know, I was pretty mad Emma: lol Emma: So I heard you never really tried out for the part of Fiona, you tried out for Kayla on the Famous Jett Jackson??? CARA: Well, I tried out for a bunch of Disney stuff, yeah, but I didn't aim for Fi, no. Disney is really into diversity so I wasn't suprised how they made Jett Jackson Emma: what else did you try out for? CARA: Oh gosh I wish I could remember. Pilots and commercials and crap that didnt air, maybe some stuff did. LOL like I"d know. When I go the role as Fiona everythin else didn't matter as much because I was so busy Emma: yeah i guess so! CARA: Have you ever been to Vancouver? Emma: No, I've wanted to ever since I found out that SW was filmed there lol. Emma: Was it really cold? CARA: You should go for a family trip or something. There is SO much to do. Promise me is you go you go to the Playdium lol Emma: whats that? CARA: At some parts of the year it was REALLY cold- just the seasons like normal. But it rains A LOT CARA: It's like, an amusement park and video game huge thingy you can't miss it haha Emma: cool! Emma: I'll try to convince my parents, saying you recommended it! Emma: lol CARA: Seriously. And you should go visit where the set was. They took everything apart but all the places like houses and gas stations and hotel and concert place things, it's all in downtown Vancouver and Burnaby, Coquitlam, Surrey, just everywhere Emma: wow that would be so awesome! CARA: If you saw the set building yu'd never think that's what it was. It's like different signs and stuff on the outside CARA: Yeah! Emma: :-) Emma: Oh, and did you get my email about the "ask cara" section so I wouldnt have to keep sending you all that crap? here is the page: go over it and tell me what you think http://geocities.com/jacksangel88/askcara.html CARA: I like that it's cool Emma: so its a go? CARA: Yeah sure!:-) Emma: cool! Emma: I just figured it'd be eaiser than having you respond to even more messages! CARA: Yeah I get like a billion e-mails a day lol!! Emma: i could imagine! Emma: How did you start acting? Emma: (just out of curiousity) CARA: I've just always wanted to do it. But my hair was so ugly when I was younger lol!! CARA: So my parents got me into it Emma: lol well your hair in the MK and A vidoe, wasn't the best.... lol CARA: Yeah that was pretty gross.. like on Nick Freno too haha Emma: I love your hair now though its so cute! CARA: Awww thank you:-) Emma: welcome :-) Emma: so what was your all time fav ep of SW? Emma: or was there way to many? lol CARA: Ah I just answered that on this email interview kind of. I really don't know. There were soooo many memorable times and I loved working with Kevin Zegers, SheDaisy, The Moffatts and everyone else. I really don't know!!!:-) Emma: lol :-) Emma: So any news about autographs? I don't mean to be a pest or anything! CARA: Oh it's okay I understand totally!! I'm working on it;-) Emma: cool Emma: so have you gotten any acting spots in the future? CARA: Ahhh not to be known, we have some call-backs though so I'll let you know how that goes:-) Emma: okay great! Emma: what have you tried out for recently? And how does a "call back work?" CARA: A call back means they tell you and a few or even just one other person that you have to come back do do another scene. And then they choose who they want for the show or movie Emma: cool - how long does that usually take? Emma: Or does it just depend on what show or movie? CARA: Ummm depending on how far away the audition is (like 1 week, 2 weeks, a day, etc) when you find out:-) Emma: it must be really stressful! lol CARA: Yeah well that's the business, lol, you hear "no" more than anything and when you get a part it's a great feeling though:-) Emma: i could imagine! CARA: Well, you know so much about me, tell me about you!!! Emma: What do you want to know? That I'm in love with Patrick Levis? lol Emma: O! Did I just type that??? lol CARA: Oh are you???? Thats so cute!!! He's the sweetest guy EVER (very nice choice) he's pretty hot too Emma: yup Emma: lol CARA: He's a bitold for you, no? haha brattychic888:yeah lol, but he DID send me an autographed pic... i framed it lol CARA: Awwhh! What address did you write him at? Emma: the "Maybe It's Me" his new one CARA: Ooohh icic because Disney didn't really give us our mail >:o Emma: they didn't? CARA: nope :-) CARA: Hey do you have a screen cap/freeze of the ring I wore on "So Weird" Emma: yeah brattychic888: I'll send it to you CARA: Will you send me that? CARA: Thank you!! Emma: Yup <insert ring pic> Emma: your ring Emma: do you still have it? CARA: I have one yeah, a friend of mine that lives far away wants to get one made so I want to send her the piture!! You should get one too:-) Emma: i got one that lookd kinda like it .... here i will send you a pic of the one i have Emma: how could i get one like yours? CARA: OKay cool CARA: Take that photo to a silversmith and ask them to make you one like that. But it's quite expensive to do it that way.. you CAN do it that way though Emma: cool Emma: thats what Alexz told me to do lol CARA: Oh really? hahaha Emma: here is the one i have: <insert ring pic> CARA: ok CARA: Oh wow that's REALLY close Emma: yeah but its a little smaller Emma: i paid 11.99 CARA: Haha that's IT? It would be like $80 to get it made:-( Emma: :-( Emma: I ordered it online too. NO SHIPPING! lol CARA: Cool!! Emma: yup Emma: anyways.... I've wanted to be an actress for like... forever! Any tips? CARA: Get an agent and audition A LOT. It will be really hard at first with a blank resume, but you can do it:-) You definately have the look Emma: thanks, I've done like tons of commnity theatre and school plays but that counts for nothing lol CARA: Oh my gosh this guy has a webpage that looks EXACTLY like "Fiona"'s webpage CARA: Yeah it does though Emma: yeah a lot of people do... whats the URL? CARA: It gives you experience and they'll see that Emma: cool CARA: I don't know, it was a link out of an e-mail Emma: o CARA: oh wait CARA: http://soweird33.tripod.com Emma: I have no idea how to get an agent though! Emma: Oh I know the guy that runs that site. His name is Doug CARA: They should make the InstaGab into something real that thing rocked CARA: Look around online, the net makes it easier Emma: yeah it looked pretty awsome Emma: What agency are you with? CARA: I'm with a personal agent right now, I'm kind of in a debate lol Emma: lol CARA: My biography is wrong on IMDB. Joey is older than Patrick Emma: really? CARA: I think. And they spelled his last name wrong, haha awwwhhh Emma: lol CARA: Yeah Emma: Hey I g2g Emma: ttyl chica CARA: Okay:-) Byebye!! Emma: :-) |
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